Nepal is South Asian country. The boundary of this country is on the north China, on south east and west border India. (OR In three sides India and one side China touch.)The capital of this country is Kathmandu. Its area is One lakh Forty-seven Thousands One hundred Eighty-one (1,47,181) square kilometers where near about 2,31,51,423 (According 2058 BS, Population) peoples are living. The money or capital calls Rupees. The per capita income of person is above $270. Ruling system is Republic. It has Five (5) Development Regions, Fourteen (14) zones and Seventy-five (75) districts. The national language or main language is Nepali. Nepal is union of all Religions but here main religions are Hindu (80% above), Buddha and so on. The national Flower of this country is Rhododendron and National animal is Cow. The features are Buddha's country or Birthplace of Buddha, Country of Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) and so on.
Radio Nepal is a Government Radio Station and Nepal Television is Government Television of this country. The air service is Nepal Airlines. On 1955 AD December 14 it was taken membership of UNO. It is a SAARC Country.