Do not hate any religion. For whom desire of which religion regard, give them to regard. Hating religion means hating God.
Nepali always remember him.
Khagendra Thapa Magar is the smallest person in the world. He has born on 2049 Aswin 28 at Dhullubaskot VDC of Baglung district. He is known as a smallest person in the whole world. On 2010 October 14 (2067 Aswin 28), the team of Ginis book had given world smallest person certificate to Khagendra. His height is 67.8 centimeter (29.69 inch) and 6.5 kg weight.
He was 600 gram at born period. Nepal Tourism Year 2011 Team has made Goodwill Ambassador for Khagendra Thapa Magar.
Sabina Khadka of Bhaktpur has won the title of Miss Aryan.
This was First program on Nepal of Miss Aryan and she has won the title behind from 21 selected candidate of Nepal.
Likewise, Mamata Bhandari of Palpa becomes First Run Up and Binita Adhikari of Bara is Second Run Up। Miss Aryan was finished at 2067 Aswin 2.